Artofhealing Cancer

Can Vitamin C Help Strengthen Immunity?

aohc4 aohc Covid-19 and Vitamin C

Vitamin C Based Immune Boosting In View Of Corona Virus Pandemic

Coronavirus is spreading rapidly across the globe. Majority of times it is a self-limiting disease, there is no specific treatment against it. Prevention inform of avoidance of contact and transmission is the methodology being used to control the spread of disease.

Our initiative of “The Art of cancer healing” follow the Riordan Clinic(USA) Protocol for adding high dose Vitamin C and other natural immunomodulators to the standard cancer treatment.(; We offer the Vitamin C based immune boosting for prophylaxis as well as treatment for Corona Virus and other viral as well as bacterial infections. The basis for such use of Vitamin C is described further.

Evidence behind immune enhancement by Vitamin C

According to Dr Carr et al, (; Carr, A.C.; Maggini, S. Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients2017, 9, 1211)

Vitamin C appears to exert a multitude of beneficial effects on cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. Although vitamin C is a potent antioxidant protecting the body against endogenous and exogenous oxidative challenges, it is likely that its action as a cofactor for numerous biosynthetic and gene regulatory enzymes plays a key role in its immune-modulating effects. Vitamin C stimulates neutrophil migration to the site of infection, enhances phagocytosis and oxidant generation, and microbial killing. At the same time, it protects host tissue from excessive damage by enhancing neutrophil apoptosis and clearance by macrophages, and decreasing neutrophil necrosis and NETosis. Thus, it is apparent that vitamin C is necessary for the immune system to mount and sustain an adequate response against pathogens, whilst avoiding excessive damage to the host.

According to Dr Heimlia et al, (Nutrients2017, 9(4), 339;

Vitamin C levels in white blood cells are tens of times higher than in plasma, which may indicate functional roles of the vitamin in these immune system cells. Vitamin C has been shown to affect the functions of phagocytes, production of interferon, replication of viruses, and maturation of T-lymphocytes, etc. in laboratory studies. Some of the effects of vitamin C on the immune system may be non-specific and, in some cases, other antioxidants had similar effects.

Vitamin C was found to be beneficial against various groups of infectious agents including bacteria, viruses, Candida albicans, and protozoa

Vitamin C Shortens and Alleviates the Common Cold

In Review by Hemilia etal (Nutrients 2017, 9(4), 339;

Regular supplementation studies, ≥0.2 g/day of vitamin C decreased the duration of colds by 9% When the dosage was ≥1 g/day of vitamin C, the mean duration of colds was shortened by 8% in adults and by 18% in children. Vitamin C also significantly alleviated the severity of the colds. Anderson (1974) found that 8 g/day on the first day only reduced the duration of colds significantly. Given the strong evidence that regularly administered vitamin C shortens and alleviates common cold symptoms, it seems plausible that vitamin C might also alleviate complications of the common cold. One frequent complication is the exacerbation of asthma

Evidence for strengthening of skin and respiratory mucosa & decreasing Pneumonia thereby death

  1. According to Dr Carr et al, it stabilizes the skin and mucosal linings of respiratory tract, thereby making difficult for pathogens to enter our body system.
  2. Study by Hemilia et al in 2003(Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Volume 52, Issue 6, December 2003, Pages 1049–1050; , suggested increased resistance of chick embryo tracheal organ to infection by Avian Coronavirus.
  3. In human subjects’ significant lower incidence of pneumonia has been reported in VIT C supplemented group. Another study by HUNT in 1994 (Int J VitamNutr Res1994;64:212–219.) documented 80% reduction in death by high dose VIT C supplementation. Similar results by Virginia Commonwealth University and Dr Fowler (World J Crit Care Med 2017 February 4; 6(1): 85-90 ISSN 2220-3141 (online))

Reports of use of Vitamin C against COVID across different parts of world

According to Medicine Net news;

  • ZhiYong Peng, MD of the Department of Critical Care Medicine at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University recently registered a phase 2 clinical trial on to test the efficacy of vitamin C infusions for the treatment of severe acute respiratory infection(SARI) associated with the novel coronavirus. Participants in the experimental group will receive 24 grams of IV vitamin C per day for 7 days.
  • In series of YouTube videos released within the last two weeks, Richard Cheng MD, PhD, Chinese Edition Editor of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service states there are at least three clinical trialsin China studying the effects of high-dose IV vitamin C for the treatment of COVID-19. He said there is a push to get additional Chinese hospital groups to study oral liposomal vitamin C for treatment of the virus because oral forms can be administered rapidly and widely to large numbers of affected patients. Dr. Cheng states that the principle investigator of the first high-dose IV vitamin C trial in China has told him that the preliminary results of the study are promising. The investigator said the administration of 24 grams per day to COVID-19 patients leads to significant reductions in inflammation. Dr. Cheng said this is notable because massive inflammation in the lungs and potentially other organs may be fatal in the illness.

According to Peter McCaffery’s comment

Vitamin C is important to maintain “redox” balance in the body’s tissues – these are types of reactions in cells that add or remove oxygen, and are essential for many processes such as generating energy in cells.

Its role in protecting against viral infections was shown in a recent review which found that immune cells need vitamin C to produce proteins that activate the immune system throughout the body against virus attacks.

An upload in research gate for,

High-dose intravenous vitamin C treatment for COVID-19, by Adnan Erol

Preprint (PDF Available) · February 2020 with 926 Reads
DOI: 10.31219/

COVID-19 pneumonia seems to be a lung injury caused by the hyperactivation immune effector cells. High-dose vitamin C may result in immunosuppression at the level of these effectors. Therefore, intravenous high-dose vitamin C could be safe and beneficial choice of treatment in the early stages of COVID-19.

According to Dr Carr et al , increased needs occur due to pollution and smoking, fighting infections, and diseases with oxidative and inflammatory components, e.g., type 2 diabetes, etc. Ensuring adequate intake of vitamin C through the diet or via supplementation, especially in groups such as the elderly or in individuals exposed to risk factors for vitamin C insufficiency, is required for proper immune function and resistance to infections.

The Protocol, we recommend in situations of Corona Pandemic

For optimising immunity,

Normal person: Two doses of oral Vitamin C 500 mg each i.e. 1g every day

Elderly, Smoker, Diabetic or any Immunocompromised Persons: Three to four doses of oral Vitamin C 500 mg each i.e. 1.5g to 2g every day or Liposomal Form of Vitamin C (better absorption) one to two sachets every day

We also recommend to add Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Selenium, Zinc and probiotics to Vitamin C.

For persons developing symptoms like fever, cough, diarrhea, breathing difficulty and other symptoms like running nose, fatigue, etc:

IV Vitamin C at the dose of 8 to 12 g /day for 5 to 7 days.

Precaution: G6PD testing and KFT

According to guidelines, patient will be referred for COVID testing.