Artofhealing Cancer

COVID Treatment Protocol using Natural Supplements attch 5

COVID Treatment Protocol using Natural Supplements

(Authored by: Dr. Mandeep Singh Malhotra)

As we have stepped into 2022, the pandemic has again taken a surge, the 3rd wave of covid has started hitting around and worldwide. Now it’s time to be more aware and pre-prepared for this. Art of Heling Cancer (AOHC) has come up with this treatment protocol after extensive research by our team of scientists mapping natural supplements with COVID disease pathogenesis with the help of Ayurveda, during the last wave of COVID. We are hosting it here for everyone to access and use it. So, Let’s begin with understanding the pathophysiology of COVID like how covid invades in the body? It targets and involves three steps, firstly the SARS COVID virus binds with ACE2 receptor at respiratory epithelial cells with S-protein. Then after internalization the RNA Polymerase makes more copies of virus and the virus starts entering into type alveolar cells and other types. Lastly, these to inflammatory response in form of release of Chemokines; CXC, interleukin such as IL1, IL6, IL8, TNF Alpha, IFNS, etc. These attracts CD8, CD4, macrophages, and other cells leading to tissue damage, angioedema, necrosis and ultimately Cytokine, Hypoxia.

The symptomatic treatment of COVID that one should start as soon as possible in the early stage, includes:

  • Fever (Keep a record): Tab DOLO (650mg) BD, it can be increased to 4 times a day.
  • Sore throat with Rhinitis & irritation: Tab Cetirizine/ Levocetirizine/ Allegra/ Avil, once or twice daily warm saline gargles or disprin gargles.
  • Cough: Tab Montair LC (one tab per day) and Budecort+ / -Levolin Inhaler, Nebulization (twice daily).
  • Loose Motions: Sporlac/ Darolac/ Econorm or any other probiotic formulation (3 to 4 times a day) and supplement with Electral or Oral Rehydration (as many times as needed).

 The natural supplements and Ayurveda can be used to intervene at all the three steps:

Step 1: Mild Disease (Inhibition of S-protein of SARS COVID2 and ACE2 receptor)

Step 2: Inhibition of RNA Polymerase (Alternative of Remdesivir)

Step 3: Inhibition of inflammatory response markers like Chemokines(C-X-C), IL1, IL6, IL8, TNF Alpha, etc. (Alternative of Tocilizumab)

Inflammatory markers that assess the disease severity are CRP, IL6, D dimer, LDH, Ferritin. If inflammatory markers are raised advise HRCT and connect to your treating promptly.

‘COVID is like cancer, if we act early more than 50% of the patients who might require ICU beds will be saved from getting complicated. This is a good method to relieve the burden on our healthcare.’

1 thought on “COVID Treatment Protocol using Natural Supplements”

  1. Современная клиника оказывает широкий спектр медицинских услуг для каждого пациента.
    Команда профессионалов обладают высокой квалификацией и работают на новейшей аппаратуре.
    Мы обеспечиваем все удобства для прохождения обследований.
    Мы предлагаем персонализированные медицинские решения для людей с различными потребностями.
    Мы заботимся о здоровью наших пациентов.
    Все клиенты могут ожидать внимательное отношение без очередей и лишнего стресса.

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